Castlegreen Publishing

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Proof-Reading & Editing Services

We realise that not every writer is good at editing and proof-reading, and that it can be hard to spot stuff in your own work, because you see what you think you wrote.

One of the best things to do when you write something is to put it away for a short period of time (a week or two at least) and do something else. When you come back to it then you often spot things that you missed when you were too involved with writing it.


This is the first stage of taking the early first or second draft and getting it ready for publication. You probably want someone else to read through it and tell you whether or not it works as a story, if the structure is good and to help sort out plot holes and inconsistencies in the text. Depending on what shape your work is in it could need substantial re-writes or re-structuring. If that is the case then we'd make the suggestions to you and discuss how you'd prefer to proceed.

The output of a copy-edit will be a word processor document in an agreed format with the suggested amendments shown using track changes (for corrections) and comments (for questions to the author). In addition there will be a summary of feedback on structure, characters, plot and any other features of the work.


Once the work has been edited to the point where both the author and the editor are content with it then it needs to be proof-read. Other than final typesetting as a result of the output of the proof-reading this is the final stage before a work is published.

The proof reader is looking to ensure that

  • spelling, grammar and punctuation are good
  • there is internal consistency within the work.
  • a style guide is followed (if one doesn't exist then a bespoke one will be produced for the author to agree).
  • the table of Contents matches Chapter titles and page numbers etc.
  • internal cross-referencing is correct.
  • illustrations, tables, and figures are correctly labelled.
  • generally the work is consistent, and discrepancies are highlighted to the author.

The output of a proof-read will be a word processor document in an agreed format with the suggested amendments shown using track changes (for corrections) and comments (for questions to the author).

Ebook Production

Once a work has been successfully edited and proofed we can produce a variety of ebook formats, including ePub and native kindle versions. In addition we can provide authors with PDF and other electronic formats to use with print on demand services.

DRM Policy

Castlegreen Publishing does not, and never will, implement DRM on any of its titles. We don't believe that DRM stops piracy and we know that it gets in the way of people who have legitimately bought ebooks from reading it on their devices.

  • “It's certainly easier to implement bad security and make it illegal for anyone to notice than it is to implement good security”. Bruce Schneier

More info on living DRM free.

services.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/23 21:18 by james